Secretary General of the World Zakat and Waqf Forum (WZWF) Prof (HC) Dr Zainulbahar Noor, M.Ec, opened the WZWF 2022 international conference with the theme "Leeds 2022 World Zakat & Waqf Forum", in Leeds, United Kingdom on 28 September 2022.

The opening of the WZWF 2022 international conference was also attended by Shayich Dr Tawfiq Choudury, who delivered a speech regarding The Spirit of Zakat. The delegates from Indonesia were represented by one of the Chairman of the National Zakat Board (BAZNAS) Indonesia, Prof. Dr Nadratuzzaman Hosen; Executive Secretary of WZWF, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik; and the Head of WZWF Research & Development, Dr M. Hasbi Zaenal.

"The WZWF 2022 conference was attended by several officials, stakeholders and leaders of the Zakat Institutions from 40 WZWF member countries," said Zainulbahar, the Chairman of BAZNAS RI.

Zainul explained the essential points in WZWF 2022 are the discussions regarding Technical Notes Zakat Core Principal & Waqf Core Principle. These Technical Notes were jointly completed by BAZNAS, the National Waqf Board (BWI), and the Central Bank of Indonesia and ratified at the WZWF Annual Meeting.

"The discussion themes for WZWF 2022 are related to several topics such as Cost of Living Crisis and the Role of Zakat & Waqf; Financial Decentralization and the Role of Zakat and Waqf; and Integrating Islamic Social Financial Instruments for Sustainability and Transformation," he said.

In addition, the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H. Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, represented by the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, Prof. Dr Phil. H. Kamaruddin Amin, MA, delivered the material with the theme "The Role of Government to Support Zakat and Waqf Development". This topic has been implemented by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, which can be used as a role model by OIC countries in the Ministry of Religious Affairs related to the Development of Zakat and Waqf, especially in every Islamic country.

The Chairman of BAZNAS RI, Prof. Dr KH Noor Achmad, was represented by Prof. Dr Nadratuzzaman Hosen, who presented material titled "Policy Design for Effective Regulation that Could Optimize the Potential for Zakat and Waqf". The Chairperson of BWI also presented at the Plenary Session related to "Identifying Possible Future Zakat and Waqf Collaboration among WZWF Member Countries".

The event was organized by the National Zakat Fund (NZF) United Kingdom, led by Executive Director Dr Azim Kidwai, and sponsored by several organizations, including the United Nations and Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI). BMI also sponsored the WZWF Head Office Delegation for this event.

The WZWF 2022 International Conference was a meeting place for world zakat and waqf activists to jointly improve the quality of zakat and waqf management globally to achieve the goal of the welfare of the world community.
